Homepage of Friedhelm Reydt, Journalist and Writer


Friedhelm Reydt's career as a writer began at age 13 writing short stories initially for the sole enjoyment of his favorite teacher. Encouraged by her positive feedback, Reydt - now 39 - stuck with the chosen profession as an author, publishing short stories and, in 1997, his first novel!

Angefangen hat Friedhelm Reydts Autoren-Karriere als dreizehnjähriger Schüler - damals brachte er die ersten Kurzgeschichten zu Papier. Ermutigt durch das positive Feedback blieb der heute 39-jährige der Schreibkunst treu, veröffentlichte Kurzgeschichten und 1997 seinen ersten Roman.

Welcome to my pivate homepage.


08/18/2007 Reydt-Online has been captured by an international spamer group.

If you want to know something about my recent projects then use the following links:

Older projects:

Please contact antispam(at)reydt-online.de for further information!

(c) 1994-2007 by Friedhelm Reydt

Diplom Betriebswirt + Journalist
Friedhelm Reydt
Kolpingstr. 2
D-56598 Rheinbrohl